It looks as if we are in for a long haul working from home. Every day more and more people are going to be working from home and we will all find ourselves sharing our small apartments or even our large homes with our partners and children for the entire day. Our apartments are going to feel tiny and our normal size homes are going to feel small.

How are we going to cope with our spaces?
Humans function with order and routine and knowing what we are supposed to be doing most days. During these times our normal routine will totally change.
This period is going to be written in the books of history and we all want to be able to say we survived and we managed!
Today I am going to give you ideas on how to cope with our spaces be they large, small or tiny. I will help you find the right products to help you cope with the stress of living together for 24 hours a day for what appears to be a long period of time. By rearranging your home you may be able to solve a few problems.
Don’t panic: We’re here to help.
Let’s not turn the kitchen table into the main working space in the house. How about getting a deep desk or a long thin desk or surface where you can both put your laptops or computer back to back so you can face each other or you can sit next to each other. Whatever your space lets you do.
Check out Wayfair for a large desk that both people can share it at the same time.
Derry Desk £149

Ikea has a cheap option to buy a desktop and add legs to it. A great solution for a great price.
Linnmon Desk Table, White, 200×60 cm £41.50
Gillmore Space has a range of desks. I do love their light oak and glass office table
Federico brass legs and glass top £490

If you are looking to change your dining table to a bigger one, Shop The Room has a stunning dining table that will look great as a desk and of course a dining table. And once this chaos passes you will be left with a stunning piece of furniture
Oscar Rectangular Dining Table with Clear Glass Top and Two Cone Brass Legs £1,180.00

Desks are important, but also storage is as important for home office organization.
How about looking at storage that you can hang on the walls or cabinets that have storage drawers.

As more and more companies will have no other option and make their employees work from home, organization is the key. But how is it possible to stay focused when you’re working from a home that’s filled with distractions? Children will be off school too which means not only sharing your space with your other half but with nannies and children which makes the house feel cramped.
The question is it possible to create a home office that doesn’t feel cramped and take away from your interior design style?
It is possible and here are a few examples of how you can do it and where you can go and buy furniture that will help you stay focused and calm.
Great storage chest where you can keep all your office suppliers organized neatly.

If you have a dead space in your home how about this corner desk for your home office ?

Another way to make things look more fun and young is put a cool wallpaper in that little corner that you just stuck a pot plant till you decided what to do with it. Now every space in your home is crucial. Check out @PatiRobins. Instagram account to see how she created a gorgeous little nook with cool wallpaper.
You can buy a similar wallpaper at
Murals Wallpaper Speckle Black and White Spotty Speckle Wall Mural £37.00/m2 inc. VAT

I like the following wallpaper that could really make a gorgeous statement in your home office corner.

One last thing, do not forget to exercise. Going out to grab your lunch will not be possible very soon. So keeping moving in your home or in your garden if you have one is really important to keep sane as well as to keep your body active. There are lots of YouTube videos that I like to follow especially after coming back from a run I stretch but as we don’t quite know if going outside will be banned soon then follow the lovely Joe Wicks who does great exercises routine. Every morning between Monday till Friday he is doing Live workouts for the whole family. It is super fun and extremely energising.
I wanted to let you know that I get trade discounts in most retailers on the highstreets and online. I would be happy to help you purchase your home furniture at trade discounts. Email over your home plans so I can help you space plan your home better and all your furniture you will be able to get at trade discounts which are normally up to 15% off retail.
In this self-isolation climate, I have developed procedures to help you design and make the right choices by using Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or Facetime. No need for face to face to get it done.
I wish you all well and stay safe everyone